Which of the following should get a Didn't Load flag? Select all that apply. True False A page with a malware warning. True False A page which has a web server error message as the Main Content (MC) and no other content (no navigation links, no home link, no Supplementary Content (SC), no Ads). True False A page with customized 404 error message and a link to the website's homepage. True False A completely blank page.

Which of the following should get a Didn't Load flag? Select all that apply.
A page with a malware warning.
A page which has a web server error message as the Main Content (MC) and no other content (no navigation links, no home link, no Supplementary Content (SC), no Ads).
A page with customized 404 error message and a link to the website's homepage.
A completely blank page.

Based on the provided options, the following scenarios should receive a "Didn't Load" flag:

1. A page with a malware warning: True

  - A page with a malware warning might be considered harmful or unsafe for users.

2. A page which has a web server error message as the Main Content (MC) and no other content: True

  - If the main content of the page is an error message with no additional content, it may not provide value to the user.

3. A completely blank page: True

  - A completely blank page usually indicates an issue with loading content, and it doesn't offer any information or value to the user.

The following scenario should not receive a "Didn't Load" flag:

4. A page with a customized 404 error message and a link to the website's homepage: False

  - A customized 404 error message with a link to the homepage shows that the website is providing helpful information to users, guiding them back to the main content even when encountering a page not found error.

✨ **Jasa Proposal dan Skripsi Professional!** ✨

Halo, Sobat Jokuyin!

Apakah kamu sedang bingung menyusun proposal atau skripsi? Tenang, solusinya ada di sini! @Jokuyin hadir untuk membantu perjalanan akademismu menjadi lebih mudah dan sukses.

**Kenapa Memilih Jokuyin?**

- ✅ Tim Ahli: Kami memiliki tim penulis berpengalaman dalam menyusun proposal dan skripsi dengan standar tinggi.

- Pengerjaan Cepat: Deadlinemu yang mendesak bukan masalah bagi kami. Kami siap memberikan hasil terbaik dengan waktu yang efisien.

- Berbagai Bidang Studi: Tidak peduli jurusan apa yang kamu ambil, kami memiliki penulis ahli di berbagai bidang studi.

**Layanan Kami:**

1. Penyusunan Proposal

2. Pembuatan Skripsi

3. Analisis Statistik (jika diperlukan)

4. Revisi dan Editing

**Cara Pemesanan:**

1. Kunjungi Instagram kami di @Jokuyin

2. Kirimkan detail tugas atau pertanyaan kamu melalui Direct Message (DM).

3. Dapatkan penawaran dan diskusi lebih lanjut.

**Testimoni Pelanggan:**

"Jokuyin membantu saya menyelesaikan skripsi dengan sangat profesional. Hasilnya melebihi ekspektasi saya!" - Maria, Mahasiswa Psikologi.

**Kejarlah Sukses Akademismu bersama Jokuyin!**

#Jokuyin #ProposalSkripsi #JasaAkademis #SuksesAkademis #JasaProposal #JasaSkripsi #KuliahLebihMudah #JasaPenulisan

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