Daddy Drinks A Cup Of Coffee Every Day


Cangkir kopi telah menjadi bagian dari banyak orang dewasa di seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Minum kopi di pagi hari telah menjadi rutinitas untuk banyak orang untuk memulai hari mereka. Namun, seberapa sering sesorang boleh minum kopi?

Manfaat Minum Kopi

Meminum kopi dapat memberikan banyak manfaat seperti meningkatkan energi dan membantu konsentrasi. Namun, ini sebaiknya dilakukan dengan bijak. Konsumsi kopi yang berlebihan bisa menyebabkan masalah kesehatan seperti sakit perut dan insomnia.

Berapa Banyak Kopi yang Aman untuk Dikonsumsi?

Menurut ahli kesehatan, 3-4 cangkir kopi per hari masih dianggap aman, namun hal ini bisa berbeda-beda pada setiap orang tergantung pada sensitivitas dan toleransi mereka terhadap kafein.

Sebagai kesimpulan, meskipun minum kopi setiap hari adalah kebiasaan yang umum, jangan lupa untuk melakukannya dengan bijak dan memperhatikan jumlah dan frekuensi konsumsi kopi.

Kumpulan Pertanyaan dan Jawaban yang Berkaitan dengan "Daddy Drinks A Cup Of Coffee Every Day":

Daddy Drinks A Cup Of Coffee Every Day

Daftar Isi:

1. Daddy drinks a cup of coffee every day. (Present Tense) *​

Jawaban: Daddy drank a cup of coffee
My brother repaired his motorcycle
Johan is taking an English course
They are watching a funny movie at the cinema

Penjelasan: maaf kalau salah, semoga membantu



active : Daddy drinks a cup of coffee everyday.

passive : A cup of coffee is drunk by daddy everyday.


active : My brother repairs his motorcycle.

passive : His motorcycle is repaired by my brother.


active : Johan took an English course last month.

passive : An English course was taken by Johan last month.


active : They watched a funny movie at cinema two days ago.

passive : A funny movie was watched by them at cinema two days ago.


present tense

active : S + V1 (s, es) + O

passive : O + to be (is, am, are) + V.3 + by + S

past tense

active : S + V2 + O

passive : O + to be (was, were) + V.3 + by + S

semoga terbantu

semangat terus belajar nya. :)

2. daddy drinks a cup of coffee every day. (change into passive)

Passive sentence dari kalimat di atas adalah:

"A cup of coffe is drank by daddy every day"


Passive sentence adalah kata kerja dimana kata kerja tersebut tidak menunjukan adanya aksi dan hanya bertindak sebagai penerima aksi. Pada passive voice seseorang atau objek dikenai tindakan dan bukan melakukan tindakan tersebut.Pada kalimat di atas terdapat keterangan "every day" yang menunjuakan bahwa tata bahasanya adlah simple present tense.Rumus Simple Present Tense dalam passive voice adalah:
Subject + is/am/are + verb3
Subjeknya adalah = A cup of coffeA cup of coffe adalah singular sehingga to be yang digunakan adalah "is"V3 untuk drink adalah "Drank"Kalimat "A cup of coffe is drunk by daddy every day"

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#BelajarBersamaBrainly #SPJ4

3. Daddy drinks A cup of coffee every day. (Change into Passive Voice)


A cup of coffee drinked by Daddy every day


Passsive Voice:

A cup of coffee is drunk by Daddy every day.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Passive Voice dari Simple Present Tense dalam Bahasa Inggris.

A cup of coffee is drunk by Daddy every day. = Secangkir kopi diminum oleh Ayah setiap hari.

Simple Present Tense:

Active Voice: (+) Subject + Verb-1 S/ES + Object

Passive Voice: (+) Subject + Tobe (is/am/are) + Verb-3 + Object

Semoga membantu ya.

4. rina drinks a cup of coffee​


Rina meminum kopi di sebuah gelas

Pertanyaan nya di translate ya

5. They drink a cup of tea everyday. The form of negative sentence is ... * 5 poin A. They isn't drink a cup of tea every day. B. They does not drink a cup of tea every day. C. They don't drink a cup of tea every day. D. They don't drinks a cup of tea every day.

Jawaban: c. They don’t drink a cup of tea every day.
Penjelasan: Rumus:
Subject + don’t/doesn’t + v1 + complement

6. Daddy drinks a cup of coffe every day. change to passive voice....​


A cup of coffe drinked by daddy every day

(setau saya gitu , maaf kalo salah)

7. Daddy drinks A cup of coffee everyday.The passive form is ....(10 Poin)A cup of coffee is drink by daddy everydayA cup of coffee is drinks by daddy everydayA cup of coffee is drank by daddy everydayA cup of coffee is drunk by daddy everyday​


A cup of coffee is drunk by daddy everyday​

passive itu pas ti pake verb 3

o + imbuhan +verb 3 + s

8. 1. Father drinks a cup of coffee 2. I drink a cup of coffee Materi elliptical sentence

Father and I drinks a cup of coffee

9. Active : Daddy drinks a cup of coffee everyday ubah ke kalimat passive​


A cup of coffee is drunk by Daddy everyday


10. I.change these sentences interrogative and interrogative 1. Dad drinks a cup of coffee every day. 2. The ring was founded by intan and santi. 3. The exercise completed by the teacher. 4. Aishah cleaned the floor every day. 5. A cup of coffee is drunk by daddy every day  6. Calum Scott is a singer and songwriter who was born October 1988 in kingston upon hull​


1.Dad doesn't drink a cup of coffee every day. 2. the ring wasn't found by intan and santi. 3. the exercise not completed by the teacher. 4. Aishah doesn't cleaned the floor every day. 5. A cup of coffee isn't drunk by daddy every day. 6. calum Scott isn't a singer and songwriter who was born October 1988 in kingston upon hull.

semoga membantu :)


11. Father drinks a cup of coffee.(-).(?)....​

(+) Father drinks a cup of Coffee

(-) Father doesn'tdrink a cup of coffee(?) Does father drink a cup of coffee?


Simple Present Tense adalah sebuah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan atau peristiwa yang terjadi berulang-ulang kali.

Rumus simple present tense

— Verbal

S + Verb₁ (-s/-es/ies) + o/cS + do/does + not + Verb₁ + o/cDo/does + S + Verb₁ + o/c?

Penggunaando dan does

Do/don't, digunakan untuk subjek I, you, we dan they.Does/doesn't, digunakan untuk subjek she, he, dan, it.

Pelajari lebih lanjutApa maksud simple present tense : contoh kalimat simple present tenses (+-?) : jawaban

Kelas : 8

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Simple Present Tense

Kode Mapel : 5

Kode Kategorisasi : 8.5.5

12. drinks-cup-of-she-a-coffee​

She drinks a cup of coffee


she drinks a cup of coffe maaf y solo salah semoga membantu

13. chage these sentences into passive voice!3.daddy drinks a cup of coffee every morning​


Every morning a cup coffee is drank by Daddy/Father

14. Rearrange the words into a good sentence. She-a- cup-drinks-of-coffee-right nowA. Drinks she of coffee right now B. she drinks a cup of coffee right now C. She drinks a coffee cup right now D. She cup of coffee right now drinks ​





Subject + verb + object + kata keterangan

15. Daddy drinks a cup of coffee every day. Passive Voice is? (Simple Present) Yang jawab kasih jawaban tercerdas


Active : Daddy drinks a cup of coffee every day.

Passive : A cup of coffee is drunk by Daddy every day.

Jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya......

16. vreb3 abel drinks a cup of coffee​

Vreb abel minum secangkir kopi

Arti nya kan heheh???

17. ====2. (+) Habibi goes to school every day. habil.. (-) ............(?)3. (+) Justin studies physic every day. (-)(?).4.(+) Every morning Johnny drinks a cup of coffee (-)(?)5. (+) Lucy eats sushi in her room (?)​


2. (-) Habibi doesn't go to school every day.

   (?) Does Habibi go to school every day?

3. (-) Justin doesn't study physic every day.

   (?) Does Justin study physic every day?

4. (-) Every morning Johnny doesn't drink a cup of coffee

   (?) Does every morning Johnny drink a cup of coffee?

5. (-) Lucy doesn't eat sushi in her room

   (?) Does Lucy eat sushi in her room?

Rumus simple present tense:

(+) S + verb 1 (+ s/es) + O

(-) S + do/doesn’t + V 1 + O

(?) Does/Do+ S + V 1 + O?


She, he and it (DOES)

They, we, i, and you (DO)


18. They drink a cup of tea everyday. The form of negative sentence is ... * 5 poin A. They isn't drink a cup of tea every day. B. They does not drink a cup of tea every day. C. They don't drink a cup of tea every day. D. They don't drinks a cup of tea every day.


They drink a cup of te everyday

Arti dari kosakata diatas adalah:

Mereka meminum Teh setiap hari


B. They does not drink a cup of te everyday

Arti dari kosakata di atas adalah:

Mereka tidak meminum teh setiap hari



19. daddy drinks a cup of coffee every day. what is the passive form of this sentence?

A cup of coffe is drunk by daddy every day. The passive voice is form of sentence that the object return to be subject.


Kalimat daddy drinks a cup of coffe every day memiliki arti ayah meminum secangkir kopi setiap hari. Sehingga bentuk passivenya adalah secangkir kopi diminum oleh ayah setiap hari (a cup of coffe is drunk by daddy every day). Passive voice merupakan kalimat yang digunakan untuk menekankan tindakan (kata kerja) dan objek kalimat daripada subjek. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia passive voice adalah kalimat pasif. Dalam kalimat passive voice objek yang terdapat dalam kalimat aktif berubah menjadi subjek. Adapun bentuk dari passive voice yaitu s + to be + v3. S memiliki arti subjek. To be dapat terdiri dari is, am, are, was, were, been, tergantung bentuk kalimatnya apakah menggunakan past simple, future, past continous, present simple tense atau sebagainya. Adapun kalimat i went to the beach yesterday (aku pergi ke pantai kemarin), jika diubah ke dalam bentuk passive voice akan menjadi the beach was gone by me yesterday. Apabila diartikan ke dalam bahasa indonesia kalimat passive voice tersebut memiliki arti, pantai dikunjungi olehku kemarin.

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Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai materi passive voice pada link



20. mr. mamandrinksacupofcoffee.​


Pak Maman Meminum Kopi Di Cangkir


itu kalo bhs indonesianya

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